Monday 14 January 2008

Bambuco Desktop gains Microsoft Certification

late last year, we submitted Bambuco for testing, and I'm pleased to report that

"Bambuco Desktop has been tested and meets the criteria for the Microsoft “Platform Test for ISV Solutions” program:  Windows Client, SQL Server 2005, Managed Code and Web Services + .NET Framework."

In plain speaking, this means Bambuco has passed tests for connecting and working with SQL Server and web services. There was no test relevant for the Groove-specific aspect, otherwise we'd have submitted it for that. The core code that makes up 90% of Bambuco is shared with our other products, which is a nice confidence booster.

"Testing was conducted independently by VeriTest, a testing service of Lionbridge Technologies."

Tuesday 1 January 2008

Mark recognized for his contributions to the Groove community

Today we've found out that Mark Smith, one of the founders of Information Patterns has been awarded with the 2008 Microsoft® MVP Award. For more than five years Mark has devoted his talents to enhancing Groove and to helping others who are using Groove. The products that Mark has developed have been very useful to many entities around the world - in many cases for emergency response or disaster relief .