Wednesday 23 April 2008

Live Mesh

Jon Udell discusses Live Mesh with Ray Ozzie. When I tried to register for the beta version, it was already full, so I've yet to see see it, however here's an interesting quote from Ray, which applies to those of us who have been running our companies on Groove and developing applications for it.

"But the DNA elements are the basic sync model, the basic interaction model. The biggest difference between Groove and Notes was that Groove embraced the concept of ad-hoc interaction much more in terms of inviting people into a shared environment. So those invitation models are essentially borrowed from Groove into Live Mesh. So if you are a Groove user, you will feel very comfortable with that model in dealing with Live Mesh".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mesh accounts now active, thanks to one of our friends on the Groove team.